Squirrel v2 Announcement

Moonshots Farm
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


edit: v2 is now live on BSC Squirrel.Finance 🎉 Also the eth redemption has now taken place, old eth nut holders should have received eth in their wallet!

Below outlines our plan to shortly launch an improved v2 of our platform on the growing BSC chain & the plan for eth redemption of existing tokens:

Scrat has big plans for his NUTS

Whats happening?
With the recent rise of yield farming on BSC we believe there is a grand opportunity for our DeFi insurance platform to thrive with new tokenomics. These powerful tokenomics along with the catalyst of a new launch & vast amount of new farms available to cover give Squirrel a great opportunity to expand.

New tokenomics? Why not just update the current token on eth?
The existing NUTS token had a fixed supply of 1mil, which means there was no room for product incentives (via farming) which we have found makes getting initial adoption in this current landscape difficult (since almost every other project/competitor is offering incentives). We thought it was also unfair to change tokenomics which may effect price on existing holders. So we have decided to launch a fresh token on BSC with yield farming built into the existing model which made Squirrel great (Farm insurance with automatic payout) 🚀

Three of the initial launch farms on BSC

What happens to the old eth tokens?
Shortly before this post there has been a snapshot of existing holders, in roughly two weeks time the locked liquidity will unlocked (2 week timelock) and existing holders will receive their share of the ~800 eth from the funds. We estimate each old NUTS token will receive $6 each (0.003 eth), which is 2x the current price -which we believe is a solid reward for existing holders 💸 edit: this eth redemption has now taken place, old holders should have now received eth in your wallet!

When does NUTS launch on BSC?
We’re currently hard at work ensuring the v2 platform is solid and ready to go as soon as possible, but this could take up to 5 days -so stay tuned. We’ll let you know once the website is updated & you can commence farming safely insured on BSC -see you then! 🚀

Any questions let us know on our Discord or Telegram!

(P.S. existing eth tools such as Stash will continue to work of course)

edit: v2 is now live on BSC Squirrel.Finance 🎉 Also the eth redemption has now taken place, old eth nut holders should have received eth in their wallet!

